Acts: 2:39 : God's Rainbow of Promises
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"God promised me a rainbow. He promised one to you. A rainbow made of love, forgiveness through and through." Rekindle your hope and faith! The world can be a scary, depressing place...if we let it. Sometimes we need a gentle reminder that God is with us, loves us, and will guide us through the good times, and the bad. YOU are a beautiful creation!"- Blessings to you, Ellen M. DuBois

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Acts: 2:39

by Ellen DuBois on 07/06/15

God's Promise:

For the promise is for you, for your children, and for all who are far away, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to him.

Acts 2:39

"Oh Lord, I am afraid. Take hold on me: I am stronger than the sea.

Save, Lord, I perish. I have hold of thee.

I made and rule the sea,

I bring thee to the haven where though wouldst be." Christina Rossetti

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